Summer Camp Waitlist

To add your child to the waitlist for a specific DelNature Summer Camp, please enter your information below. Please know, we are working quickly to add spots where we can.

Please complete ONE entry per child per camp . We will contact you if a spot becomes available.

This form does not register you for camp.
If the camp is not yet full, your submission will be deleted.

Child's Age as of the first day of the camp they want to attend.   A reminder that campers must be correct age, for the specific camp, on the first day of the session. Due to State of Delaware regulations, 5-year-olds must have attended kindergarten to attend a camp for 5- and 6-year-olds.
A reminder that campers must be correct age, for the specific camp, on the first day of the session.
Use the complete camp name as indicated on the website or in the camp guide.
Camp Location(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Parent/Guardian's Name(Required)
My address
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