Delaware is experiencing a drought, with the entire state classified in severe drought conditions, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor.
DelNature In The News
Articles about Delaware Nature Society or the environment written by talented reporters from news and other organizations.
Red Clay Creek, St. Jones River and More Report High Levels of Forever Chemicals
Governor Carney joined Senator Stephanie Hansen, other members of the General Assembly and advocates on Thursday, September 5, to sign a package of bills that further Delaware’s efforts to protect the environment and support clean energy.
Governor Carney Signs Package of Legislation to Combat Effects of Climate Change
Governor Carney joined Senator Stephanie Hansen, other members of the General Assembly and advocates on Thursday, September 5, to sign a package of bills that further Delaware’s efforts to protect the environment and support clean energy.
Nonprofit Spotlight: Delaware Nature Society
While clean energy advocates applaud the move, some residents are concerned about environmental impacts and how the turbines will spoil…
Wind Farms Along the Coastline: Clean Energy Solution or Eyesore?
While clean energy advocates applaud the move, some residents are concerned about environmental impacts and how the turbines will spoil…
Mosquitos A Growing Problem in Wilmington, Delaware
The Reasons Residents are Seeing More Mosquitoes According to scientists, mosquitos are a rising problem in Delaware. We aren’t alone…
Building Food and Pollinator Gardens to Help Flooding, Heat, and Food Insecurity in Wilmington, DE
In Wilmington, DE, as in many cities, summer temperatures have soared and stronger storms have increased flooding. The birds, butterflies, and other precious wild creatures have fallen in number. The Wilmington population needs dependable, healthy food sources. What do these all have in common? They can be helped by planting food and pollinator gardens!
DelNature’s own Kerry Wilson, Habitat Outreach Manager, has been a key player in helping Wilmington fight hot temperatures, flooding, food insecurity, and wildlife loss. The project she’s working with has a long name but it its purpose is clear: Enhancing the City of Wilmington’s Urban Pollinator Corridor and Food Resilience Efforts in Wilmington, DE.
Protecting Our Ancient Horseshoe Crabs
Delaware’s Declining Horseshoe Crabs are Critical for Shorebirds Delaware’s prehistoric horseshoe crabs are crucial for migrating shorebirds’ survival. Both these…
WHYY TV Features Coverdale’s Rare Adult American Chestnut
Coverdale’s American Chestnut was featured on November 4, 2022 on WHYY TV series You Oughta Know episode “Delaware Hunter Discovers…
The Importance of the Vernal Pools of Delmarva Peninsula
Delaware Nature Society’s Jim White, Senior Fellow for Land & Biodiversity Management, was recently included in the making of the…