Delaware Nature Society started the summer Ashland Biodiversity iNaturalist Project Winner of the Month contest on June 1 to encourage folks to visit Ashland Nature Center and use the iNaturalist app or website to record their observations. These observations are automatically pulled into the Biodiversity iNaturalist project, where we catalogue plants and animals that observers report.
Congratulations to the June Biodiversity iNaturalist Project Winner of the Month: Melinda Kleczynski (iNaturalist userid: melinda_k ); with 45 observations of 42 species. As the winner, Melinda will receive a copy of Harold B. White III’s book, Natural History of Delmarva Dragonflies and Damselflies.
This Saddle Back Leafhopper was Melinda’s favorite find at Ashland in June. Melinda’s iNaturalist observation was the first time this species was recorded at Ashland Nature Center.
The below picture shows the 10 observers that submitted 81 observations in June. The observations submitted is an increase above the observations submitted for the same month in 2020 and 2019, of 16 and 8, respectively.
During the month of June observers submitted:
- 33 Insect observations
- 18 Bird observations
- 16 Plant observations
- 5 Mammal observations
- 4 Amphibian observations
- 3 Fungi observations
- 1 Reptile observation
The 10 observers also submitted the first iNaturalist observation at Ashland Nature Center for 12 individual species; 5 plants and 7 insects. This is exciting as it expands the knowledge of biodiversity at Ashland Nature Center. Thank you to all observers that participated in June. If you were not able to participate in June, consider getting out to visit Ashland Nature Center in July and submit your observations to the Ashland Nature Center Biodiversity iNaturalist project. Maybe you will win July’s prize.